Are You Looking For Orthotics In Pomona, CA, and the La Verne and Claremont, CA, areas?

Serving Pomona, La Verne and Claremont, CA, areas

1212 North Park Avenue Pomona, CA 91768

Mon - Thur: 8:15am – 5pm & Fri: 8:15am – 12pm

Free Parking Available

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“Orthotics...8 Things To Know Before Spending Your Hard Earned Money”

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Taking Care of Californian Feet Since 1956

Meet Dr. Brian O’Neill

For nearly four decades, Dr. Brian O'Neill has been serving the Inland Empire community as a top-rated podiatrist in Pomona, CA. He joined the Pomona Valley Podiatry Group, which his father, Dr. Joseph O'Neill, founded, and they collaborated for ten years before Dr. Joseph retired. Dr. Brian O'Neill believes that the experience of working with his father was invaluable and rewarding.

Dr. O'Neill's focus is on providing high-quality, personalized podiatry care to his patients. The entire team at Pomona Valley Podiatry Group is dedicated to your health, and Dr. O'Neill takes the time to listen to your concerns, assess your condition, and offer the most effective treatment options available. Choosing Pomona Valley Podiatry Group for your podiatric care means you'll receive compassionate and comprehensive treatment that's unique and not found anywhere else.

Does any of this sound like YOU?

  • You are getting foot pain and not sure what to do or who to ask?

  • You think you might need orthotics but are not sure if they will work for you?

  • You are confused about which orthotics are right for you?

  • You have tried expensive orthotics in the past but you are still in pain?

  • You are frustrated that your foot pain is stopping you from doing the things you love?

  • You have got orthotics but they are too big to fit into shoes other than trainers?

  • You are avoiding going for walks because of your pain?

  • You have recurring foot, ankle, knee or back pain?

If you answered YES to any of the above, you may have found the ANSWER to your orthotics questions at , Pomona, CA

Got a Question?

Ask Dr. O'Neill & His Team Of Experts

What Are Orthotics?

Orthotics are specialized medical devices that are designed to support and improve the function of your feet, ankles, knees, hips, and lower back. These devices can come in various shapes and sizes, and are typically made from materials like foam, plastic, or carbon fiber. They are often prescribed by healthcare professionals such as podiatrists, orthopedic surgeons, and physiotherapists to help manage a wide range of foot and lower limb conditions.

Here are a few ways that orthotics can potentially help you:

  • Provide arch support: Orthotics can help distribute the weight of your body evenly across your feet, reducing the pressure on specific areas and providing additional support to your arches.

  • Improve foot and ankle alignment: If you have flat feet or other alignment issues, orthotics can help realign your feet and ankles, improving your gait and reducing the risk of developing related conditions such as plantar fasciitis or Achilles tendinitis.

  • Reduce pain: If you suffer from chronic foot, ankle, or lower limb pain, orthotics can help cushion your feet and provide additional shock absorption, reducing the impact of each step and potentially alleviating your discomfort.

  • Aid in injury recovery: If you've recently suffered a foot or ankle injury, orthotics can help support and stabilize the affected area, allowing it to heal more quickly and reducing the risk of further injury.

  • Improve athletic performance: Athletes can benefit from custom orthotics designed to meet the specific needs of their sport and biomechanics. Orthotics can help improve stability, reduce the risk of injury, and enhance overall performance.

What Are Orthotics Used For?

Foot Pain

Orthotics are used to address all types of foot injuries including:

  • Plantar Fasciitis

  • Heel Pain

  • Metatarsalgia

  • Pain in the ball of the foot

  • Fallen arches

  • Heel Spurs

  • Walking / gait problems

Ankle Pain

Orthotics can be used to address injuries in the ankle joint and tissues around it such as:

  • Achilles tendonitis

  • Ankle hypermobility

  • Ligament strains

Back Pain and Knee Pain

Orthotics help to correct imbalances in the movement patterns of the feet.

Correction of these imbalances can help to improve the function of other areas in the body, particularly the knee joints and the low back.


The improvement in foot movement and the cushioning and support that orthotics provide can help to offload other joints.

This can make a big difference if you are struggling with knee or hip arthritis, making walking easier and less painful.

Download Your FREE Orthotics Information Pack

Orthotics... 8 Things To Know Before Spending Your Hard Earned Money

Tired of Living with Foot Pain? We Can Help

  • Fill in the form to request a Call From Our Team

  • One of our team will call you for FREE and answer any questions or concerns you may have about your uncomfortable plantar fasciitis.

The Orthotic Therapy Program At Pomona Valley Podiatry Group

Step 1 : Examination and Gait Assessment

During the comprehensive gait assessment, your practitioner will perform an examination of your feet and ankles and the way you walk.

This allows for an overview of the alignment, movement and muscle function of the lower limbs, taking into account your specific circumstances and history.

Step 2 -  Latest Technology  

At our clinic, we take pride in staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in technology to provide the best possible care for our patients. This includes investing in state-of-the-art equipment for prescribing orthotics.

We use a technique called Video Gait Analysis to assess your gait pattern in detail, regardless of how fast you move. This method enables us to capture every aspect of your movement and analyze it to identify any areas of concern. By understanding the unique nuances of your gait, we can prescribe orthotics that are customized to meet your specific needs.

Step 3 - Recovery

Our orthotics are designed with the latest cutting edge technology, to get you back to normal and doing the things you love.

At Pomona Valley Podiatry Group, our team of orthotics experts understands that each person's needs are unique. That's why we often create individualized rehab programs to ensure you get the most out of your orthotics.

And if you want to take a break from wearing your orthotics and slip into those nice shoes you've been eyeing, we can help make that possible too!

Is the Orthotic Therapy Program Right for You?

  • Are your feet sore on a regular basis?

  • You can't remember the last time you didn't have foot pain getting out of bed in the morning?

  • Do you spend a lot of time standing?

  • Does standing, walking and running make your joints sore?

  • Do you have visible foot problems such as flat feet, bunions, callouses or high arches?

  • Do your parents have problems with their feet?

  • You have tried orthotics in the past, but they were too big for your everyday shoes and only fit in trainers?

  • Your foot pain is stopping you getting out and about and doing the things you love?

If you answered YES to any of the above, you may have found the ANSWER to your orthotics questions at Pomona Valley Podiatry Group, Pomona, CA

Still Not Sure If Orthotics Are Right For You? Take Us Up On One Of Our FREE Options

Still Not Sure If Orthotics Are Right For You? Take Us Up On One Of Our FREE Options

Option #1 (👍 most popular)

Option #2

Option #1 (👍 most popular)

Option #2

6 Reasons To Choose Pomona Valley Podiatry Group

  • Over 150,000 Lives Transformed - Pomona Valley Podiatry Group, a well-established practice since 1984 in the Inland Empire, has successfully enhanced the lives of over 150,000 individuals.

  • Pain Relief at First Visit - After your initial consultation, we will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan and begin treatment promptly, should you choose to.

  • Same-Day Consultations & Treatment - At Pomona Valley Podiatry Group, we prioritize the swift alleviation of our patients' pain, which is why we offer same-day appointments and expedited treatment options, depending on your individual circumstances.

  • Flexible Financing - At Pomona Valley Podiatry Group, we are committed to ensuring our patients' satisfaction and offer various flexible payment options to cater to their individual financial needs.

  • Trusted Authority - Dr. O'Neill, the founder of Pomona Valley Podiatry Group, is a well-respected figure in the podiatry community. As an Associate Professor for the California College of Podiatric Medicine, he is dedicated to educating the next generation of podiatrists.

  • Money-Back Guarantee on Orthotics - As part of our commitment to your satisfaction and well-being, we offer a money-back guarantee on our custom orthotics.

Still Not Convinced?

Have Questions? Request a Call Back and Speak with Our Expert Podiatry Team

  • Fill in the form to request a Call From Our Team

  • One of our team will call you for FREE and answer any questions or concerns you may have about your uncomfortable foot condition.

Where to Find Pomona Valley Podiatry Group

Serving Pomona, La Verne and Claremont, CA, areas

1212 North Park Avenue Pomona, CA 91768

Mon - Thur: 8:15am – 5pm & Fri: 8:15am – 12pm

Free Parking Available

1212 N Park Ave, Pomona, CA 91768, USA

Copyright © 2023, Pomona Valley Podiatry Group